Sunday, February 3, 2008

Pure Love

Today, while in the car I remembered when David and I were at BABR. We were the youngest staff members. It was right around the time we began to realize how strong our love was for each other.
Hans drove David, myself, and Jo-Jo down to BABR... For almost the entire drive from Cali to New Mexico, David and I held hands... Well, fingers, really. He was in the front seat, Jo-Jo and I were in the back. David had to squeeze his hand in between the seat and the door to try to reach my hand. My fingers were all he could grab hold of though. It was enough : ) Enough to make butterflies dance in my stomach! Just touching his fingers made me fall in love even more!! By the time we arrived David's hand was stiff... it had cramped up for so long it had become stuck! It was all so innocent... so pure! I loved him and he loved me... even then!

You still make butterflies dance in my stomach, My Love! Just re-living the memory in my head gave me butterflies... I love you, David Hart.


I don't understand. In the book 50 Days of Heaven, it says we'll complete dreams on the "New Earth." Such as, building the boat you always dreamed of building. Ultimately, it would be taking pleasure in God himself because God is pleasure... he created it. So, taking pleasure in something "secondary" would be taking pleasure in him. SOOO why wouldn't making love to my husband or indulging in his kisses be a secondary pleasure we're allowed to take part in???? This book says we could build boats, eat delicious food, or sing BUT no marriage. WTF??!! Are we only allowed non-intimate pleasures?? We're able to be mothers and fathers in heaven but not lovers?! Makes NO sense to me! This doesn't sound like God to me. Why would he end the most beautiful and purest of his creation? Love. Love... self-less love has no end. In the garden of Eden, man and woman made love and worshiped God. Together! Together, they walked and talked with God. I hate the book. I want David.

I want you. All of you, My Love.